Dr Morris | Sydney Mother & Baby would like to invite your parents to attend an information session with our midwife Penny Stanbury.
Our information session will include the changes in maternity and newborn care, and how, as grandparents, they can best support you and your newborn. A
antenatal classes
Birthing Classes For Support Persons
Want to know more about the process of normal birth and techniques to help make it happen?
Our Support Persons Class aims to break down the stages of normal birth and look at the mechanisms of normal labour and how you as a couple can care and support each other through this process.
We look at:
Early Pregnancy Essentials Class
Complimentary for Dr Morris | Sydney Mother & Baby patients. Partners are welcome to attend.
Recommended for anyone between approximately 12 - 20 weeks
There is an abundance of information available to you on the internet, in books, and from your friends and family, on what you
Prenatal Yoga Classes
A growing number of health care providers are turning to the ancient practice of yoga as a way to help their patients feel better. Yoga therapy is now recognized as a clinically viable treatment, with established programs at major global health care centres. Here at Dr Morris | Sydney Mother &