What is the pelvic floor?
The Pelvic Floor is a complex web of muscle, connective tissue, and fibrous material. It sits on the outside and the inside of your pelvis and supports the 3 muscles of your pelvis – your bladder, uterus, and bowel. You have a deep layer and a superficial layer of your
Why do compression garments help me during my pregnancy and after birth?
Compression garments, also known as maternity support garments or post-natal recovery garments can be used through the entire length of your pregnancy and in the initial post-natal period. They have specialised panelling and material to give you the support and stability where you need it
4 reasons why seeing a Physiotherapist after giving birth can be of benefit.
The early weeks and months after giving birth can be a bit of a blur. As a new mum, not only are you are busy adjusting to new challenges and learning new skills, but you are also often doing this on very little sleep. So, why should you prioritise this extra check up at this already-busy time? Here
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel is the small space or ‘tunnel’ in the wrist, formed by the wrist bones (carpal bones) and a ligament (transverse carpal ligament). The median nerve and nine tendons used to flex the thumb and fingers, pass through the carpal tunnel from the forearm into the hand.
Due to the increased