This is a guide to ultrasound scans and their significance for early pregnancy.
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Ultrasound scans send high frequency sound waves through the uterus to allow us to assess pregnancy and fetal wellbeing.
These sound waves bounce off the baby and the echoes are turned into
screening tests
Blood Testing in Pregnancy
Routine antenatal screening blood tests are performed early in pregnancy to determine if there are any underlying health concerns that may affect you or your baby during pregnancy. They are also conducted to determine your status of immunity for infections, which can
Gestational Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes (GD) is a common complication of pregnancy, occurring in about 10% of pregnant women. Whilst there are risk factors, such as having a family history of diabetes, having GD in a previous pregnancy, being overweight, being over 30 years of age, having polycystic ovarian syndrome,
What is Non-invasive Prenatal Testing?
Most women enjoy a healthy pregnancy. Some babies, however, are born with problems and about one-sixth of these are due to chromosome abnormalities. There are 46 chromosomes in each cell of our bodies, arranged in 23 different pairs with one pair coding for sex (XY for boys and XX for girls). The