Is the yellow card in your handbag?
This yellow card will be given to you in a red sleeve at your second appointment with Dr Morris or between 12 and 16 weeks.
It is an important communication card, between Dr Morris, the midwives and the delivery ward teams. This card will contain all of your demographic details, medical history and pregnancy progress, and will be updated at each visit with Dr Morris or the hospital.
This card is best kept on your person, so if you require an unexpected visit to Dr Morris in office hours, or the hospital out of hours, all of your information can be viewed and updated.
Please don’t keep it on the shelf at home, in the glove box, or in your early pregnancy information pack. It should be in your current handbag. When changing your handbag, put the yellow card in the current bag as you would with your mobile phone. It then becomes your pregnancy passport to be kept with you at all times.
For you it becomes a pregnancy keepsake that you can refer back to and keep with your newborn information.